Brands & Opportunities!


OpportunitiesHaving spent a few years in IT, I have over the years collected a few domain names and slowly I have formed these into brands with various partners.

I am offering you the chance to partner with me on any of my brands. There is no financial cost to get involved, but you will be expected to put in the legwork to ensure that the business is a success and follows the ethics that I have had for many years of business. All my brands are part of the isdoo group of companies.




Profits will be split evenly – this is not a case of you making me rich! The more we can push the business, the more you will earn. I operate a fair and reasonable company and anyone I work with will be expected to do the same.  Whilst I am happy to work with anyone, I am also not afraid to be honest and say ‘adios’!


The opportunities


These brands are all established, but some do not have websites live as they are not actively trading.

Leading Homes – Residential Developer in the South West, but we are willing to partner anywhere
Cool Homes – Affordable Homes Developer in the South West, but willing to partner anywhere (website not live)
The Land Company (TLC) – Land agent nationally. Opportunities throughout the UK.
Travel Geek – Travel related brand – worldwide opportunity. Busy Facebook group. (website not live)
Guarantee My Rent – Rental guarantee for landlords nationally – feeds into Posh Stays, Posh Rents and We Relocate
Posh Stays – Serviced Accommodation brand (website not live)
Posh Rent – Rental brand (website not live)
We Relocate – relocation brand for corporate clients (website not live)
Supported Sales – assisting sales of residential property where owners are struggling to sell or get a fair price
Property Geek – covers property deals that others sites here do not (website not live)
Invest in Property Club – Website not live
Other Property brands include – Vertical Living, Air Space, Modular, OffsIte and more……


Other undeveloped brands


As an owner of 150 domains plus, I have been guilty of having plenty of business ideas for Travel, Heritage Railways, Property, Sport and even Adult brands! These are aimed at both the UK and the international market. If you are interested in exploring any opportunities in any of these sectors, please get in touchYes – even sex sells…..


Get in touch


If you are interested in forming a business relationship in any of the brands or opportunities mentioned above, please get in touch for a no obligation chat. Happy to meet virtually for a coffee and to explore where our paths may go….